I’ve spent a lot of time trying to formulate my thoughts on how to move to the next steps. If we are going to synthesize Game and Arcane equally of their parts, we should look at each individually. Maybe a bit contrary to a traditional path, I’ve thought about trying this a bit backwards. Let’s dive into the occult.
There are many people in the world that identify themselves as “gamers” or at least acquainted with games. On the other hand, those who study things like the occult, non-traditional spiritualities, the paranormal, or mysticism are more rare. Assuming that you know what a game is, we can skip that for now. The more difficult or intangible thing to grapple is the topic of Magick.
I’ll try to outline this all for a true neophyte, or uninitiated aspirant. Any secrets I could reveal would be meaningless without enough explanation.

Further Reading on the Occult
There’s a lot of misconception and misunderstanding about what the occult and magick is/entails. Part of that mystery is the very definition of the subject itself. Another problem facing us is that of trying to teach/be a “master” of a subject that I myself am still trying to learn. I can share my learning and process but I am by no means an expert. The aspirant is driven to understanding, knowledge, wisdom, attempting to reforge the self, and trying to share and teach the hidden to others.
For instance, on the topic of Egyptian or Greek deities there is interest in increasing the grasp of the subject. Together we try to understand the intricacies of their impact on humanity. However, even to call myself a teacher in this is dubious so together we shall climb. Perhaps this is one of the true hearts in the path of the occult.